
About Us



Since the establishment in 2001, KORAMCO has continued to grow. KORAMCO WAY always existed along the way.

However, it was not that Koramco Way became what it is today from the beginning. In line with the rapid transition era, KORAMCO has slowly evolved with thoughts and efforts of many people about which way KORAMCO needs to take and which values KORAMCO needs to pursue.


Purpose of the ExistenceMission

Creating new values for customers with knowledge and consumer trust.

Goal of becoming the world's topVision

A company anyone would wish to work for
A preeminent global real estate and energy /infrastru -cture investment company

CoreCore Values

Open Communi- cation

Future Orientation

Preparation & Follow-up

& Cooperation

Social Responsibility

Basic attitudeOur Talent
  • Honest and frugal person
  • Person who performs the task passionately
  • Person who work creatively rather than following the past
  • Person who is ready to serve customers
  • Person who deals with problems by finding them actively
The meaning of
KORAMCO way is
'working way’and 'mutual promise'
that all KORAMCO people need to pledge

Open communication, future-oriented tendency, prior preparation and confirmation, competition and cooperation, social responsibility(core value) are practiced so that the vision of being a company and a global banking company for which everyone wants to work (vision) is achieved and the company which creates new values for customers based on knowledge and trust (mission) is realized.


Creating new values for customers based on knowledge and trust.

After the financial crisis in 2008, many companies wanted to seel owned real estate to make debt redemption, but could not find buyers. On the other hand, banks with sufficient liquidity could not find proper investment and bought only government bond. Under this situation, in order to resolve the problem of absence of connecting links between the two players, to develop domestic real estate industry and to stabilize the economy, KORAMCO was launched in 2001. Value creation' for customers is the motto and the purpose of existence of KORAMCO. KORAMCO is a human resource based company where people are only assets. The expertise knowledge of employees is the source of competitive edge in KORAMCO. In addition, for customers KORAMCO provides REITs asset management, real estate trust and real estate fund operation service. It is the reason the mission of KORAMCO is based on knowledge and trust.


A company anyone would wish to work for, A global top-tier alternative investment company


There is no circumstance of measuring good or bad value. If the members of a company pursue a common value to realize missions and visions, and if all of the members internalize the values, that is the good core value. KORAMCO has five core values promised for realizing missions and visions. If every KORAMCO person internalizes these core values and has them as the standard of all thinking and behavior, KORAMCO would become a top-tier company which can withstand any crisis, the company which receives trust and respect from customers.


This is the human resource desired by KORAMCO.